4 results
Hoffmann's Sign

Hoffman's sign means upper motor neuron injury.  The Hoffmann's reflex test itself involves loosely
The Hoffmann's reflex ... test itself involves ... #Sign #Reflex # ... Abnormal #clinical #video ... #neurology #physicalexam
Hoffman's sign. Even in this specific case, accompanied by a clonus outline (rhythmic contractions). The median
Hoffman's sign. ... this specific case ... #Sign #Reflex # ... Abnormal #clinical #video ... #neurology #PhysicalExam
Hoffmann's sign was originally described as follows: the test is performed by supporting the patient's hand
Hoffmann's sign ... as follows: the test ... #Clinical #Video ... #PhysicalExam ... #Neurology #Reflex
Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect

This maneuver of intermittent light stimulus is called the alternating light test or
the pupillary reflex ... regarding the cause ... Pupillary #Defect #Neurology ... #Clinical #Video ... Pupils #MacrusGunn #PhysicalExam