144 results
COVID-19: Silent Spread

T. Tyler Daugherty, MS4 @daughertyler and Stephen Gurley, MS4 @GurleyGuy

Source Article: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6913e1.htm?s_cid=mm6913e1_w

#COVID19 #Silent #Asymptomatic
COVID-19: Silent ... w #COVID19 #Silent
Benign Adrenal Mass - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Hyperplasia - Often Bilateral
 • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Palpitations, Anxiety) Silent

‘Leakage’ symptoms of active Hashimoto’s disease

- Hashitoxicosis (Htx) can occur during the initial hyperthyroid stage in
thyroiditis - Silent
Malignant Adrenal Mass - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Suggestive of Malignancy: Inhomogenous Density, Delay in CT Contrast Washout
Palpitations, Anxiety) Silent
Primairy TB is usually clinically silent.
In 5% of infected individuals the immunity is inadequate and clinically
usually clinically silent
Intermittent Bilateral Exophthalmos (Alternating Exophthalmos and Enophthalmos) on Physical Exam

Observing this patient in silence for a
this patient in silence
Scaphoid Fractures
The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. Remember, if a fracture is suspected
still needs to be sent ... a thumb spica splint ... immobilize • Splint
PCI Stent Coronary Abscess - Infective Pseudoaneurysm on Echocardiogram

PCI Stent Coronary Abscess - Infective Pseudoaneurysm after
PCI Stent Coronary ... Echocardiogram PCI Stent ... grade fever, acute stent ... Stent can be seen ... DrRajeshG1 #PCI #Stent
In-stent Restenosis vs In-stent Thrombosis
 • In-stent Restenosis: Re-narrowing or blockage of a previously-treated artery by
In-stent Restenosis ... vs In-stent Thrombosis ... • In-stent Restenosis ... angioplasty • In-stent
2 Percent MACE Image - After calculating the risk for acute coronary syndrome, select the corresponding
coronary syndrome, select ... to 1.7%, then select