30 results
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is commonly used as a screening tool to detect dementia. However,
Mental Status (SLUMS ... Geriatrics #Dementia #SLUMS
SLU Mental Status Examination Tool
What does the SLU Mental Status Exam Test Do?
Q1-Q3: Attention, immediate recall,
Geriatrics #Dementia #SLUMS
Slump Test for Sciatica

A variant of the Straight Leg Raise (SLR) and the Lasègue's tests, the
Slump Test for Sciatica ... Lasègue's tests, the Slump ... #Slump #Test #Sciatica
Slump Test for Sciatica

A variant of the Straight Leg Raise (SLR) and the Lasègue's tests, the
Slump Test for Sciatica ... Lasègue's tests, the Slump ... #Slump #Test #Sciatica
Slocum's Test for Anteromedial Rotary Instability (AMRI) and Anterolateral Rotary Instability (ALRI) of the Knee

Slocum’s test
Slocum's Test for ... of the Knee Slocum ... #Slocums #Test #
Characteristics of Selected Pneumonias

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus). Gram-positive diplococci. 
Haemophilus influenzae. Pleomorphic gram-negative coccobacilli. 
Staphylococcus aureus. Plump
Plump gram-positive ... Plump gram-negative
Chvostek Sign on Physical Exam

Young man presented with history of fatigue, muscle cramps and features suggestive
postoperative appendicular lump
Junctional Rhythms - Junctional rhythm describes an abnormal heart rhythm resulting from impulses coming from a
coming from a locus
Red cell autoagglutination is the process whereby red cells clump together forming aggregates. This is seen
whereby red cells clump
Red cell autoagglutination is the process whereby red cells clump together forming aggregates. This is seen
whereby red cells clump