882 results
Achilles Tendon Rupture in Slow Motion

Dr. Boris Gojanovic @DrSportSante

#Achilles #Tendon #Rupture #SlowMotion #clinical #Video #Sports #Mechanism
Tendon #Rupture #SlowMotion ... #PhysicalExam #msk
Achilles Tendon Rupture in Slow Motion

Caused by high speed knee extension with ankle dorsiflexion.

Dr. Boris Gojanovic
Tendon #Rupture #SlowMotion ... #PhysicalExam #msk
The Cardiac Cycle Animated - Systole, Diastole, Pressures and Volume - (slowed down version @ 1/2
Electrocardiogram #SlowMotion
Choreiform Gait Demonstration

Associated with various pathologies of the nervous system, the most common being Sydenham's Chorea
Choreiform Gait ... tudodaneuro #Choreiform
Chorea - Slow Motion 
Chorea is a hyperkinetic movement disorder characterized by unpredictable dancing movements. We
video #movements #choreiform ... #slowmotion
Hand Arthritides - Differential Diagnosis by Location and Features

The Painful Hand!  Wish I would’ve thought
prior to my first MSK ... Diagnosis #Location #MSK
Radius and Ulna Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Radius #Ulna #Anatomy #Bones #orthopedics #MSK
#orthopedics #MSK
Medial Thigh Muscles Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Medial #Thigh #Muscles #Anatomy #MSK #orthopedics
Muscles #Anatomy #MSK
Humerus Bony Anatomy - Anterior and Posterior Views

By @rev.med

#Humerus #Bony #Anatomy #MSK #Bone
Bony #Anatomy #MSK
Clarke's Test (Patellar Grind Test)

Indicates Patellofemoral dysfunction.
 - Patient with knee in extension. Push posterior on
of patella then ask ... Patellofemoral #msk