54 results
The arrows point to blister cells. These cells are thought to be precursors of helmet cells.
also shows an acanthocyte ... Clinical #Path #BloodSmear
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Associated Diseases Acanthocyte ... #Dyspmorphic #BloodSmear
Acanthocytes in motion on Urine Microscopy - Phase Contrast

Dr. Jay R. Seltzer @jrseltzer

#Acanthocytes #motion #Urine #Microscopy
Acanthocytes in ... Seltzer @jrseltzer #Acanthocytes
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
, a spur cell (acanthocyte ... Clinical #Path #BloodSmear
Tetralogy of Fallot - Hypoxic Spell Management
1. Oxygenation
2. Increase SVR
3. Abolish Hyperpnea
4. Correct Acidosis

- Dr. Rasha
Fallot - Hypoxic Spell ... Fallot #Hypoxic #Spell
Another view of acanthocytes under darkfield illumination after removal of light filter over field diaphragm

Dr. Jay
Another view of acanthocytes ... @jrseltzer #acanthocytes
Causes of Pediatric Spells - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Neonates and Infant Spells:
 • Benign Sleep Myoclonus
Causes of Pediatric Spells ... Neonates and Infant Spells ... Breath-holding spells ... and Adolescents Spells ... Cataplexy #Spells
Polychromatophilia - Note 2 large blue-gray erythrocytes as seen on H&E stain. On a stain for
right photo an acanthocyte ... Clinical #Path #BloodSmear
Acanthocyte on Urine Microscopy

Not a spaceship, not a UFO, just an acanthocyte caught “flying” in dark
Acanthocyte on Urine ... a UFO, just an acanthocyte ... VelezNephHepato #Acanthocyte
Beautiful acanthocytes/spur cells in a patient with McLeod Syndrome. X-linked disorder characterized by reduced expression of
Beautiful acanthocytes ... @MoravekMD #acanthocytes