331 results
Age Distribution by Percentile of Spending #PublicHealth #Spending #Age #NEJM
Percentile of Spending ... #PublicHealth #Spending
Growth of Physicians and Administrators 1970-2009

The chart is based on the work of David Himmelstein and
#Policy #Spending
Intraoperative Opening of Aortic Dissection - Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Bobby Yanagawa @BobbyYanagawa

#Intraoperative #Opening #Aortic #Dissection #aorta #surgery
Intraoperative Opening ... Intraoperative #Opening
Endobronchial Valve Opening and Closing on Bronchoscopy

Dr. See-Wei Low @seeweilow

#Endobronchial #Valve #Opening #Closing #Bronchoscopy #Clinical #Lung
Endobronchial Valve Opening ... Endobronchial #Valve #Opening
Intraoperative Opening of Aortic Dissection - Thoracic Surgery

Hanin Alashi, CCP @iNeena

#Intraoperative #Opening #Aortic #Dissection #aorta #surgery
Intraoperative Opening ... Intraoperative #Opening
Healthcare Spending as Function of GDP EU #PublicHealth #HealthcareSpending #GDP #EU15 #BMJ
Healthcare Spending
Passy Muir Valve (PMV) "Speaking Valve" Anatomy

When placed on the hub of the tracheostomy tube or
Muir Valve (PMV) "Speaking ... PassyMuirValve #PMV #Speaking
Shares of spending on different types of healthcare: EU-15 countries, 2014 #PublicHealth #HealthcareSpending #EU15 #BMJ
Shares of spending
Aortic Dissection Sagittal View POCUS

Take a look at the appearance of a pericardial effusion, as well
patent; why are we spending
Myasthenia Gravis
Signs, Symptoms and Testing - Likelihood Ratios
Does this patient have myasthenia gravis?
JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14.
after prolonged speaking