156 results
First study the CXRs.
There is a subtle consolidation in the left lower lobe in the hidden
lower lobe in the hidden ... CXR #Pneumonia #Retrocardiac ... #SpineSign #SilhouetteSign
Spine sign: visualization of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic cavity above the diaphragm indicative of
#SpineSign #POCUS
Thoracic Trauma - Lethal 6 and Hidden 6 of Thoracic Trauma
The Lethal 6 of Thoracic Trauma:
- Lethal 6 and Hidden ... Flail Chest The Hidden ... differential #lethal #hidden
Hidden areas - There are some areas that need special attention, because pathology in these areas
Hidden areas - There ... hilar zones - retrocardial ... also known as the hidden ... Radiology #CXR #Hidden
Hidden anticholinergics in elderly patients: What, where and how?

Antihistamines - 1st generation: chlorpheniramine, hydroxyzine, diphenhydramine
Hidden anticholinergics ... TerrierBen #Hidden
Figure 1. The normal #pelvic #floor at rest during #rectal #examination. The #internal anal #sphincter #muscle
muscle is normally “hidden
Capnography Waveforms
Sudden loss of waveform
 • ET tube disconnected, dislodged, kinked or obstructec
 • Loss of
Capnography Waveforms Sudden ... minimum of 10mmHg Sudden
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Transfusion Reactions

This algorithm was developed by Dr. Eric Madden,
Eric Madden, chief
Risk Factors for Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
 - Sudden death in a
Risk Factors for Sudden ... Cardiomyopathy - Sudden ... or resuscitated sudden
Commotio Cordis 
- Commotio cordis occurs when an object strikes the chest over the heart. It
It can cause sudden ... Pathophysiology #Cardiology #Sudden