10 results
Crowd Turbulence and "Crowd Quake" Leading to Crush Injuries at Overcrowded Events

This video highlights the danger
Crowd Turbulence ... and "Crowd Quake ... crush injuries and suffocation ... #disaster #crowd ... #turbulence #quake
Dyspnea. A systems based approach from @DocMartins94
The workup of a patient with dyspnea (shortness of breath)
ChestTightness #Suffocation
Do you manage Kids’ airway?

Paediatric Airway Chart for the FOAMed Airway crew who deals with kids’
Improved via crowd
Obstetric Ultrasound Pocket Card
1st Trimester Checklist:
 • Look for signs of an IUP
 • Gestational dating
diameter • Crown
Ellis system of classification system for a tooth fracture:

Ellis 1: injury of the crown into enamel
injury of the crown
Anxiety Disorders Associated with Panic - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Panic Disorder - Recurrent, Unexpected Panic Attacks
Specific Phobia
Being in a Line, Crowd ... transportation, Lines, Crowds
Clear Cap Tamponade of Bleeding on Endoscopy
Clear Cap Crowd Control : stop active bleeding using tamponade
Endoscopy Clear Cap Crowd
Nonscarring Alopecias: Clinical features of the most common types
Patterned hair loss:
 - Age: puberty or older
Distribution: men- the crown ... midline part of the crown
Management of Marine Envenomations
 • North American Cnidaria - Hot water, Supportive care
 • Irukandji jellyfish
• Sea urchin, crown-of-thorns

Dubbed the ‘Zero Point Survey’ (ZPS), so called because first
Light, Noise, Crowd