26 results
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Overlap

 SJS-TEN overlap and TEN - Surface Epidermal
Stevens-Johnson ... #TEN #Stevens #Johnsons ... #Distribution #SurfaceArea
Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - Causative Medications 
and Level of Suspicion 

High Risk:
Stevens Johnson ... SJSTEN #Stevens #Johnsons
PocketPEM - Parkland Formula #Diagnosis #Peds #EM #Burn #Parkland #Formula #BSA #SurfaceArea #PocketCard #PocketPEM
#Formula #BSA #SurfaceArea
Modified Johnson Classification for Gastric Ulcers
Type I - Gastric body, lesser curvature
Type II - Body of
Modified Johnson ... Gastric #Ulcers #Johnson
Tweetorial - Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)

By Dr. Steven Chen @DrStevenTChen

#StevensJohnsonSyndrome #SJS #Dermatology #Diagnosis #Tweetorial #Pathphysiology
Tweetorial - Stevens Johnson
COVID-19 Vaccines - Comparison Chart
 • Moderna - mRNA-1273 mRNA in lipid nanoparticle
 • Pfizer -
Adenovirus-DNA • Johnson ... & Johnson - JNJ
Bleeding peptic ulcer on endoscopy.
Johnson Type III pre pyloric and Forrest IB

- Cirbosque @Cirbosque

#PepticUlcer #PUD #Bleeding
Johnson Type III
Isolated Hyperbilirubinemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Direct Hyperbilirubinemia: Dubin-Johnson Syndrome, Rotor Syndrome
Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia: 
 - Trauma, Hematoma,
Hyperbilirubinemia: Dubin-Johnson
Central Distribution, Febrile / Ill:
 - Viral Exanthem 
 - Lyme Disease (erythema migrans) 
Central Distribution,
Lesions: - Stevens-Johnson
Jaundice - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Pre-Hepatic - Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Increased Production
 • Hemolysis
 • Ineffective Erythropoiesis
 • Hematoma
Cholestatic • Dubin Johnson