2746 results
Dysphagia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Oropharyngeal - Can't initiate swallow, Cough/nasal regurg when attempting to swallow
Can't initiate swallow ... attempting to swallow ... Esophageal - Swallowed
Barium Swallow on Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS)

#Barium #Swallow #Video #fluoroscopic #Swallowing #Study #VFSS #fluoroscopy #clinical
Barium Swallow on ... VFSS) #Barium #Swallow
Atrial Myxoma on Cardiac MRI

Dr. Jacobo Kirsch

#Atrial #Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology #Clinical #Radiology
Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology ... #Clinical #Radiology
Smoking Cessation Management
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT):
Long-Acting NRT:
 • Patch: Wear for 24 hours at a time.
Mini Lozenge: Allow ... Do not chew or swallow
CT Coronary Angiography Indications - Appropriateness Criteria


#CCTA #Appropriateness #criteria #indications #cardiology #radiology #CTA #Cardiac
#indications #cardiology ... #radiology #CTA
Differentiating Pacemaker vs ICD on Chest XRay
 - Single Chamber PPM
 - Single Chamber ICD
ChestXRay #CXR #Radiology ... comparison #clinical #cardiology
Syncope - Differential Diagnosis
The percentage of syncopal events secondary to arrhythmias or structural disease is generally
Defaecation - Swallow
Cardiac MRI of Unicuspid Unicommissural aortic valve in an 18-year-old female patient.

Dr. Jasper Selder, European Cardiology

Selder, European Cardiology ... CardiacMRI #Clinical #Radiology ... #Cardiology #Unicommissural
Pressure Ulcer Staging
Stage 1 - Skin intact. Non-blanchable erythema
Stage 2 - Partial loss of dermis. Shallow
Shallow open ulcers
Isolated Cardiac Cysticercosis on Cardiac MRI

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#Cysticercosis #cardiology #clinical #CardiacMRI #Radiology
Cysticercosis #cardiology ... clinical #CardiacMRI #Radiology