809 results
Barium Swallow on Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS)

#Barium #Swallow #Video #fluoroscopic #Swallowing #Study #VFSS #fluoroscopy #clinical
Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing ... #fluoroscopic #Swallowing
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Summary
ALS: combination of the clinical examination finding of amyotrophy with the pathologic
lateral sclerosis Pathophysiology ... with speech and swallowing
Heparin, Fondaparinux, and Novel Oral Anticoagulants - Pathophysiology

Anticoagulation with parenteral (intravenous or subcutaneous) and oral anticoagulants
Anticoagulants - Pathophysiology ... antithrombin, allowing ... conformational change allowing ... #Pharmacology #Pathophysiology
Swallowing Disorders in the Older Population @AGSjournal

Oral preparatory phase
Oral transport phase
Pharyngeal phase
Esophageal phase

#Geriatrics #SwallowingDisorders #Dysphagia
Swallowing Disorders
Innate Immune Cells - Pathophysiology
The innate immune system consists of granulocytes, mast cells, natural killer cells,
Immune Cells - Pathophysiology ... cells (APCs), allowing ... Immune #Cells #Pathophysiology
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Dysphagia:Oropharyngeal:
- Characterized by difficulty initiating swallowing and accompanied by choking/coughing, nasopharyngeal
difficulty initiating swallowing ... after initiating swallowing
Thyroid Goiter in Severe Hypothyroidism on Neck Physical Examination

TSH 124. Hashimoto’s, lost to care and thyroid
moves up with swallowing
Diabetes Pathophysiology and Medication Targets

The ominous octet is one concept that summarizes the different pathophysiologic pathways
Diabetes Pathophysiology ... the different pathophysiologic ... #Diabetes #Pathophysiology
Myasthenia Gravis
Signs, Symptoms and Testing - Likelihood Ratios
Does this patient have myasthenia gravis?
JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14.
in mouth after swallowing
Thyroid Goiter on Physical Exam

Mother and daughter both presenting with thyroid goiters caused by iodine deficiency.
goiter moves with swallowing