2089 results
Syringomas on Physical Exam - Benign sweat gland tumors typically found around the eyelids

#Syringomas #PhysicalExam #clinical
Exam - Benign sweat ... #Syringomas #PhysicalExam ... #dermatology #sweat
Causes of Knee Effusions - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Knee Effusion Red Flags:
1. Fever/Chills/Joint pain/Night sweats/Weight loss
	- DDX:
Joint pain/Night sweats ... diagnosis #msk #physicalexam
Peripheral Edema - Differential Diagnosis Framework for Lower Extremity Edema

Edema occurs when any of the following
Left leg often swells ... Lower #Extremity #PhysicalExam
Sweet’s Syndrome - Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis 

The syndrome involves fever, painful rash, neutrophilic leukocytosis, and
Sweet’s Syndrome ... #Sweets #Syndrome
All About Horner's Syndrome

Horner's syndrome, known as 
"oculosympathetic paresis" by people 
who don't have friends, is
they didn't sweat ... as "The Half Sweats ... accepted into Half Sweat
JVP Respiratory Variation on Neck Physical Examination
If the prominence of pulsations swells and falls with the
of pulsations swells ... Respiratory #Variation #PhysicalExam
Miliaria Crystallina on Skin Physical Examination

A 55-year-old man who had been admitted to the intensive care
occluded eccrine sweat ... Crystallina #Skin #PhysicalExam
Sweat gland tumors - Pathology

Made with lots of help from @JMGardnerMD's paper on adnexal tumors for
Sweat gland tumors ... lauraebrown #Sweat
Tweetorial - What is the mechanism of night sweats?

By Dr. Tony Breu @tony_breu

#NightSweats #Tweetorial #Pathophysiology
mechanism of night sweats
Gastric Ultrasound - POCUS Cheats

#Gastric #Ultrasound #POCUS #Cheats #Guide #Diagnosis
Ultrasound - POCUS Cheats ... Ultrasound #POCUS #Cheats