1302 results
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Note the extensive edema, erythema, bullae formation, and necrosis in this patient's thigh. At
hypotensive with multi system ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Horner's Syndrome: Loss of sympathetic nervous system input to (in this case) right eye. 
Note that
sympathetic nervous system ... Ophthalmology #Photo
Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Signs (DRESS Syndrome): Formerly known as drug hypersensitivity reaction, DRESS
Eosinophilia and Systemic ... Eosinophilia #Photo
Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Signs (DRESS Syndrome): Formerly known as drug hypersensitivity reaction, DRESS
Eosinophilia and Systemic ... Eosinophilia #Legs #Photo
Urticaria (hives): Skin reaction that occurs in response to cold, food allergies, meds, environmental exposures, stings,
associated with systemic ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens

Seen in severe, acute DVT with near occlusion of the deep venous system and
the deep venous system ... DVT #clinical #photo
Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis (with CREST)
Visible Raynaud’s phenomenon with sclerodactyly. 
#clinical #photo #dermatology #diagnosis
Cutaneous Systemic ... #clinical #photo
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: Autoimmune disorder resulting in a vasculitis which causes slowly progressive 
ulceration of the skin.
a number of systemic ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Acute Schistosomiasis: Katayama Fever
 • Most common in travelers and children
 • "Swimmers Itch" in the
urticarial rash • Systemic ... diagnosis #clinical #photo
Lymphocutaneous Sporotrichiosis Infection

Landscaper w/ painless nodular rash of arm present for months wax and wane; diagnosis?
, painless, no systemic ... Infection #clinical #photo