164 results
Oncology Algorithm for the Management of Suspected Epidural Spinal Cord Compression (ESCC)

Suspected ESCC: Pain, weakness, numbness/paresthesias,
Oncology Algorithm ... paresthesias, bowel/bladder ... Algorithm #Management #oncology
The World Health Organization's (WHO's) Pain Relief Ladder is a stepwise approach to the management of
WHO's) Pain Relief Ladder ... Pharmacotherapy #Oncology
Summary Table of Paraneoplastic Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Oncology #Paraneoplastic #Syndromes #Table
#Diagnosis #Oncology
Risk factor for VTE in cancer patients

Tumor type 

• Very high risk: gastric, pancreas, brain 

gynecologic, renal, bladder ... #VTE #cancer #oncology
Infection-Related Cancers
 • HPV - Cervical, anogenital, head and neck, skin cancer
 • HTLV-1 - Adult
Polyomavirus - Bladder ... haematobium - Bladder ... Associations #Cancers #oncology
Paraneoplastic Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Oncology #Paraneoplastic #Syndromes #RebelEM
#Diagnosis #Oncology
Signs and Symptoms of Acute Leukemia

#Leukemia #Signs #Symptoms #Acute #Diagnosis #Oncology
Acute #Diagnosis #Oncology
Immediate management of a chemotherapy extravasation 

#extravasation #injury #management #chemotherapy #extravasation #oncology
extravasation #oncology
Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Cancer
#Cancer #Depression #Anxiety #Psychiatry #Oncology #bmj
Anxiety #Psychiatry #Oncology
Chemotherapy Toxicity Bear Mnemonic - Cumulatively Toxic Drugs and their Rescues
 • Asparagine: neurotoxicity
 • Cisplatin:
Acrolein = nephro/bladder ... #pharmacology #oncology