60 results
Causes of Terminal Ileitis - Differential Diagnosis
 • Infectious: Yersinia spp., Salmonella spp., C.diff, Neutropenic colitis,
Causes of Terminal ... BrighamChiefs #Terminal
Focus of Metastatic Melanoma Colonizing a Germinal Center

I thought these big cells were funny immunoblasts- until
Melanoma Colonizing a Germinal ... melanoma colonizing a germinal ... Metastatic #melanoma #germinal
Natriuretic Peptides - Pathophysiology
 • Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
 • Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)
 • N-terminal
Peptide (ANP) • N-terminal
TCA Overdose on EKG
 • Sinus tachycardia
 • QRS prolongation
 • QT prolongation
 • Rightward deviation
deviation of the terminal
Mesalamine (Mesalazine) Therapy Simplified by Location
Orals - Terminal Ileum, Ascending Colon, Transverse Colon
Enemas - Reach the
Location Orals - Terminal
There are two patterns of T-wave abnormality in Wellens’ syndrome:
-Type A = Biphasic, with initial positivity
initial positivity & terminal
A “villous dance show” in the terminal ileum.  Visualization of villi in the terminal ileum
dance show” in the terminal ... of villi in the terminal
A “villous dance show” in the terminal ileum.  Visualization of villi in the terminal ileum
dance show” in the terminal ... of villi in the terminal
Algorithm and Differential Diagnosis of Macroscopic Hematuria
Important Historical Elements:
- Painless: suggests malignancy
- Painful: suggests calculi/infection
- Urinalysis:
urinary tract), terminal
Colitis - Differential Diagnosis by Segment Location

Ascending Colon:
 - Shigella
 - Salmonella
 - Amebic colitis
Hepatic flexure:
Schistosomiasis Terminal