514 results
Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the
the alveoli with transudate ... Diagnosis #Radiology #CXR
Differential diagnosis
The table summarizes the most common diseases, that present with consolidation.
Chronic diseases are indicated in
alveoli: - Water - transudate ... Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR
Causes of Pleural Effusions
#Diagnosis #Pulmonary #PleuralEffusions #Differential #Table #Transudative #Exudative
Differential #Table #Transudative
Pleural Effusion - Workup, Diagnostic Algorithm #Diagnosis #EM #IM #PCC #Pleural #Effusion #Transudative #Exudative #Differential #Algorithm
Pleural #Effusion #Transudative
Causes of Pleural Fluid Transudates and Exudates

#Pleural #Fluid #Effusion #Differential #Diagnosis #Transudative #Exudative #Pulmonary #Causes
Differential #Diagnosis #Transudative
Pleural Effusions
#Diagnosis #PleuralEffusion #Lights #Criteria #Transudative #Exudative #Cholesterol #Sensitivity #Specificity
Lights #Criteria #Transudative
Causes of Pleural Effusion - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Transudate - Hydrostatic
 • Congestive heart failure
 • Constrictive
Diagnosis Algorithm Transudate ... Trapped lung Transudate ... • Myxedema Transudate
Meigs Syndrome - Diagnosis and Management Summary
1) Pleural effusion + 
2) Ascites + 
3) Benign Ovarian
exudative, but can be transudative
Estimated Medical Radiation Doses for 5 Year-Old Child

3-view ankle	0.0015 mSv	1/14th CXRs
2-view chest	0.02 mSv	1 CXRs
Anteroposterior and lateral
0.0015 mSv 1/14th CXRs ... chest 0.02 mSv 1 CXRs ... scan 6.2 mSv 310 CXRs ... scan 15.3 mSv 765 CXRs ... through 1 mSv 50 CXRs
Light's Criteria

Medical Nugget on Light's Criteria for diagnosis of Exudative Pleural Effusion in adults and children.
PleuralEffusion #Exudate #Transudate