52 results
Differential diagnosis
The table summarizes the most common diseases, that present with consolidation.
Chronic diseases are indicated in
alveoli: - Water - transudate ... - Lobar or focal ... For instance a lobar ... Consolidation #Lobar
Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the
Lobar pneumonia ... the alveoli with transudate ... Radiology #CXR #Lobar
Causes of Pleural Effusions
#Diagnosis #Pulmonary #PleuralEffusions #Differential #Table #Transudative #Exudative
Differential #Table #Transudative
Pleural Effusion - Workup, Diagnostic Algorithm #Diagnosis #EM #IM #PCC #Pleural #Effusion #Transudative #Exudative #Differential #Algorithm
Pleural #Effusion #Transudative
Causes of Pleural Fluid Transudates and Exudates

#Pleural #Fluid #Effusion #Differential #Diagnosis #Transudative #Exudative #Pulmonary #Causes
Differential #Diagnosis #Transudative
Pleural Effusions
#Diagnosis #PleuralEffusion #Lights #Criteria #Transudative #Exudative #Cholesterol #Sensitivity #Specificity
Lights #Criteria #Transudative
Lobar consolidation
The most common presentation of consolidation is lobar or segmental.
The most common diagnosis is lobar
Lobar consolidation ... consolidation is lobar ... common diagnosis is lobar ... Pulmonary #CXR #Lobar
Lobar pneumonia
On the chest x-ray there is an ill-defined area of increased density in the right
Lobar pneumonia ... most likely a lobar ... This was an acute lobar ... AirBronchogram #RUL #Lobar
Causes of Pleural Effusion - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Transudate - Hydrostatic
 • Congestive heart failure
 • Constrictive
Diagnosis Algorithm Transudate ... Trapped lung Transudate ... • Myxedema Transudate
Meigs Syndrome - Diagnosis and Management Summary
1) Pleural effusion + 
2) Ascites + 
3) Benign Ovarian
exudative, but can be transudative