11 results
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Trunk Local Nerve Block

 - Thoracic Paravertebral
 - Erector Spinae
Anesthesia #Trunk #Truncal
Truncus Arteriosus
 • Basic Information
 • Embryology
 • Associated anomalies
 • Pathophysiology/Presentation
 • Pre-operative management
Truncus Arteriosus ... AlizaOlive #Truncus
Beevor's Sign on Physical Exam

Beevor's sign is abnormal upward (cephalad) movement of the umbilicus with truncal
umbilicus with truncal
Specific considerations for the elderly undergoing steroid treatment
Corticosteroid Adverse Effects - More frequent and/or severe among
the elderly - Truncal
Truncus Arteriosus , a congenital cyanotic heart defect.
#cardiology #heartdefect #cyanotic
Truncus Arteriosus
Causes of Cyanosis in the Newborn - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Peripheral Only:
 • Poor Perfusion
 • Acrocyanosis
Septal Defect • Truncus
Aortopulmonary Window connection between Ascending Aorta & Main Pulmonary Artery
 - Presence of 2 semilunar valves
this anomaly from truncus
Types of Brain Herniation
1) Uncal Transtentorial
2) Central Transtentorial
3) Subfalcine
4) Transcalvarial
5) Ascending Transtentorial
6) Tonsilar

#Brain #Herniation #Types #Classification
Herniation 1) Uncal
Diagnostic algorithm for differentiating vestibular neuritis from stroke in patients with AVS. This sequence of testing
and testing for truncal
Unilateral Fixed Dilated Pupil - Differential Diagnosis Framework
If Altered Mental Status - Consider Oculomotor (3rd cranial
Palsy: • Brain (uncal