67 results
Grey Turner Sign Pancreatitis 

#Clinical #Photo #GreyTurners #Grey #Turners #Pancreatitis #Sign #PhysicalExam
Grey Turner Sign ... GreyTurners #Grey #Turners
Horner's Syndrome
 • Anhidrosis: Diminished sweating of ipsilateral face and neck
 • Miosis: Loss of sympathetic
@neudrawlogy #Horners
Pupillary Abnormalities  Overview
 - Unequal Pupils (anisocoria)
 - Tonic pupil (Adie's pupil)
 - OculomotorNerve (CN
Anisocoria #Adies #Horners
Horner's Syndrome: Loss of sympathetic nervous system input to (in this case) right eye. 
Note that
Ophthalmology #Photo #Horners
All About Horner's Syndrome

Horner's syndrome, known as 
"oculosympathetic paresis" by people 
who don't have friends, is
DGlaucomflecken #Horners
Horner's Syndrome on Physical Exam

A 75yoF was referred in for facial swelling and eyelid changes 1
anterior_seg_rocks #Horners
Horner's Syndrome: Loss of sympathetic nervous system input to (in this case) right eye. 
Note that
Ophthalmology #Photo #Horners
Horner's Syndrome: Loss of sympathetic nervous system input to (in this case)left eye. 
Note that left
Ophthalmology #Photo #Horners
Cullen's vs Grey Turner's Sign in Acute Pancreatitis
Cullen’s Sign - ecchymosis in PERIUMBILICAL area (1 word)
Cullen's vs Grey Turner's ... (1 word) Grey Turner
 • Liver
 • Spleen
 • Kidneys (e. g. Cyst, Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma, Hydronephrosis)
Gastrointestinal Turnours ... • Gvnecologic Turmors