511 results
UPJ Stone on Sagittal Bladder POCUS

4th grade female with right mid abdominal pain.  Brought from
UPJ Stone on Sagittal ... RJonesSonoEM #UPJ
Opioid Withdrawal Symptom Timeline
Stage l: Up to 8 hours 
Stage II: 8—24 hours 
Stage Ill: Up
Timeline Stage l: Up ... hours Stage Ill: Up
BiPAP titration in CHF
 - Mean airway pressure provides goodness 
 - Ramp up the ePAP
goodness - Ramp up ... titrate from 5 cm up ... - Ramp up iPAP
Heme Synthesis Pathway
1. ALA Synthase
2. ALA Dehydratase
3. Porphobilinogen deaminase
4. UP Ill Synthase
5. UP Ill Decarboxylase
6. Coproporphyrinogen
UP Ill Synthase ... UP Ill Decarboxylase
Oral anti-hypertensives with relative fast onset of action (Hypertensive Emergency)

The key concern with oral antihypertensive agents
situation where you're up-titrating ... fairly prompt up-titration
PECARN Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma Algorithm - Age 2 and Up #Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Pediatrics #HeadTrauma
Algorithm - Age 2 and Up
The cardiac cycle describes each heart beat, incorporating relaxation and contraction. Phase one describes diastole and
pressure - this sets up ... the atria end up ... pressure ends up
Seesaw nystagmus 
-> eye move in an opposed vertical fashion (one goes up while the other
fashion (one goes up ... (eye moving up intorts ... one eye moves up ... synchronously with the up ... the eye moving up
Potassium Electrolyte Repletion
If patient also has hypomagnesemia, replete magnesium before repleting potassium
 • Pills (ask pharmacy
Peripheral (can give up ... Central (can give up
PECARN Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma Algorithm - Age 2 and Up #Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Pediatrics #HeadTrauma
Algorithm - Age 2 and Up