26 results
ACC/AHA 2018 Cholesterol Guideline Algorithm for Secondary Prevention

#Cholesterol #Guidelines #Algorithm #ACCAHA #2018 #Cardiology #Statins #PCSK9
Guidelines #Algorithm #ACCAHA
STAGES of CHF (A, B, C, D), however, describe the severity of structural abnormalities that impair
resynchronization with a biventricular ... Staging #Stages #ACCAHA
ABCDE of Primary ASCVD Prevention: Lifestyle Changes and Team-Based Care - Checklist
A – Antiplatelet Therapy
B –
Checklist #ABCs #ACCAHA
ABCDE of Primary Prevention: Lifestyle Changes and Team-Based Care - Checklist
A – Antiplatelet Therapy
B – Blood
Checklist #ABCs #ACCAHA
Biventricular Myxomas on Echocardiogram

Biventricular Myxomas. Very few case reports are there. Seen in Carney’s

Dr. Gopalan Rajesh
Biventricular Myxomas ... Echocardiogram Biventricular ... DrRajeshG1 #Biventricular
Myocarditis on Echocardiogram
It is always great to witness the tremendous reversal of severe biventricular dysfunction from
reversal of severe biventricular
Stages in the development of HF and recommended therapy by stage. ACEI indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor;
Staging #Stages #ACCAHA
Constrictive Pericarditis on Echocardiogram - Parasternal Long Axis View

Echo shows normal biventricular size and systolic function,
Echo shows normal biventricular
Traditionally, congestive heart failure has been classified according to severity of symptoms, first formulated by the
In order to better classify heart failure, the American College of Cardiology Foundation and the American