2758 results
Causes of Dizziness - Vertigo and Lightheadedness - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • True Vertigo - Illusion
- Lightheaded, unsteady
Hoover's Sign

Hoover’s sign refers to inward movement of the lower rib cage during inspiration- instead of
during inspiration- instead ... contracts inwards instead
Causes of Dizziness / Lightheadedness - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Lightheaded, unsteady, disoriented - Non-vertigo
Organic Disease
 • Presyncope/Vasodepressor
Lightheaded, unsteady
Algorithm for Treating Constipation in Hospitalized Patients
1. Start with miralax daily, uptitrate to desired BM, consider
choose lactulose instead ... Constipation #Algorithm #management
True Hyponatremia Differential Algorithm

Instead (or in addition) of volume status examination, check urine sodium and serum
Differential Algorithm Instead
R Wave Progression - normal chest lead ECG shows an rS-type complex in lead V1 with
lead V1 with a steady
Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis Treatment or Prevention 

Bisphosphonates are common medications used in the treatment and prevention
except 60 minutes instead ... #Osteoporosis #Management
Asthma GINA Guidelines 2019 
If Asthma is uncontrolled, first assess for adherence and inhaler technique -Then,
inhaler for Step 1 instead ... Stepwise #Guidelines #Management
CA-Bridge Buprenorphine Hospital Quick Start Algorithm - Management of acute opiate withdrawal 
 - Any prescriber
Start Algorithm - Management ... min, peak 1 hr, steady ... dosing TID/QID #Management
The test characteristics of the heterophile antibody (AKA the monospot test) are not perfect and can
this assay and instead