2061 results

#Diagnosis #Neurology #Peripheral #Nerves #UpperLimbs #Extremity #BrachialPlexus #Roots #Injuries #Deficits #Radial #Median #Ulnar #Axillary
Peripheral #Nerves #UpperLimbs ... Roots #Injuries #Deficits
Clinical Features and Vascular Territories of Stroke
Anterior circulation—anterior cerebral artery (ACA) - Contralateral leg weakness
Anterior circulation—middle
motor or sensory deficit ... sensory/motor deficits ... artery - Oculomotor deficits ... sensory/motor deficits
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Upper Limb Local Nerve Blocks

 - Interscalene
 - Supraclavicular
 - Infraclavicular
Local #Anesthesia #UpperLimb
Incomplete spinal cord syndromes (ISCS)
 • Central - Small Lesion - Suspended sensory deficit, classic cape
Suspended sensory deficit ... type) and sensory deficits ... extremities, LMN deficit ... LMN and sensory deficits
Peripheral Sensory and Motor Deficits in Nerve Lesions

#Peripheral #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Nerve #Lesions #Hands #Legs #Foot
Sensory and Motor Deficits ... Sensory #Motor #Deficits
Prevalent nutritional deficits during restrictive diets:
- Gluten-Free, Vegan, Low-Carb, Paleo

#nutritional #deficits #diets #deficiencies #deficiency #diagnosis #Vitamin
Prevalent nutritional deficits ... #nutritional #deficits
Features of localised cerebral lesions

#cerebral #lesions #localization #brain #neurology #function #deficits #lobes
neurology #function #deficits
Common Lumbar Root Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Radiculopathy #Lumbar #NerveRoot #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Reflexes #Table
Sensory #Motor #Deficits
Brudzinski's Sign in Meningitis

Forced flexion of the neck elicits a reflex flexion of the hips. It
flexion of the neck elicits ... Signs #Meningitis #PhysicalExam
Tongue Fasciculations Secondary to Hypoglossal Nerve Damage

Most commonly associated with ALS - This LMN XII was
Fasciculations #PhysicalExam ... CN12 #Neurology #Deficit