Incomplete spinal cord syndromes (ISCS)
 • Central - Small Lesion - Suspended sensory deficit, classic cape distribution in lesion of cervical cord
 • Central - Large Lesion - Disproportionate motor (UMN type) and sensory deficits- greater in upper extremities than in lower extremities, LMN deficit at level of lesion (anterior horn cells), variable loss of proprioception, autonomic dysfunction
 • Ventral - Loss of pain and temperature sensations, weakness, bladder dysfunction
 • Dorsal  - Loss of proprioception and vibration sensations, sensory ataxia with positive Romberg sign, variable weakness, bladder dysfunction
 • Brown-Sequard - Ipsilateral weakness (UMN type) and loss of proprioception, contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensations, small band of LMN and sensory deficits at level of lesion
 • Conus Medullaris - Bladder or rectal dysfunction, saddle anesthesia, paraparesis (mixed UMN and LMN types)
 • Cauda Equina - Asymmetric multiradicular pain, leg weakness (purely LMN) and sensory loss, bladder dysfunction, areflexia

doi: 10.1148/rg.2018170178

#ISCS #Incomplete #spinalcord #syndromes #diagnosis #neurology
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