73 results
Urgency is not an emergency. Using IV drugs for hypertensive urgency can lead to more harm
Urgency is not an ... for hypertensive urgency ... #Hypertensive #Urgency
Hypertensive Crisis Algorithm - Hypertensive Urgency and Hypertensive Emergency

Blood Pressure Reduction Goals:
 • lower BP up
- Hypertensive Urgency ... Crisis #Algorithm #Urgency
Blood Pressure Targets in Hypertensive Crisis

1 hour: ↓ MAP by 25%, Maintain DBP ≥ 100 mmHg
Crisis #Emergency #Urgency
Approach to Possible Hypertensive Emergency

criteria required to diagnose hypertensive emergency
(1) Severe hypertension
 - Usually a MAP
#CriticalCare #Urgency
hypertension emergency,  Urgency 
HTN emergency 
Mindmap #diagnosis #management #algorithm
hypertension emergency, Urgency
Urinalysis Interpretation Algorithm - Symptomatic vs Asymptomatic Bacteruria
 - Symptomatic - Dysuria, Frequency, Urgency
 - Asymptomatic
Dysuria, Frequency, Urgency ... Dysuria, Frequency, Urgency
Secondary Causes of Hypertension - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Hypertension - BP > 140/90 (>130/80 for DM)
Hypertensive urgency
Hypertensive urgency ... • Hypertensive urgency
History Taking for IBD - FECES Mnemonic
F - Frequency- how often? nocturnal sx? 
E - Emptying
E - Emptying - urgency
Atrial Fibrillation and WPW - Pre-Excitation AFib
In pre-excitation + a-fib with RVR:
 • All AV nodal
Cardiology consult (urgency
Acute Diarrhea - Differential Diagnostic Algorithm
Watery/Large Volume (Small Bowel)
 • Viral
 • Bacterial (e.g. C peffrjngens,
Pain/Small Volume/Urgency