34 results
Hyphema on Physical Exam

Hyphema is a collection of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye,
the eye, usually caused ... #Hyphema #PhysicalExam ... ophthalmology #ocular
Convergence Retraction Nystagmus with a left 6th nerve palsy

Caused by a Midbrain hemorrhage

Dr. Boby Varkey Maramattom
nerve palsy Caused ... retraction #nystagmus #ocular ... #physicalexam #
Persistent Pupillary Membrane (PPM) on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

This membrane would be a remainder of the
) on Slit Lamp Ocular ... large enough to cause ... Membrane #Pupil #Ocular ... #PhysicalExam #
Proptosis and Chemosis caused by Cavernous Sinus Fistula on Ocular Exam

This 73 presented for blurred, double
Proptosis and Chemosis caused ... Sinus Fistula on Ocular ... Sinus #Fistula #Ocular ... #PhysicalExam #
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
arrowheads, fish, collar ... In this case, arrows ... seen in the left photo ... In the right photo
Kussmaul's sign in Constrictive Pericarditis 

A 50-year-old woman with a remote history of mediastinal lymphoma (age
on her chest (photo ... Causes = RV failure ... pericarditis (this case ... Kussmauls #Sign #PhysicalExam
Transverse lines of the fingernails. (A) Beau’s lines (arrows) of the thumbnail. (B) Mees’ lines (arrowheads)
the nails can be caused ... paired white lines caused ... Ridges #Clinical #PhysicalExam ... #Photo
Seesaw Nystagmus 

Sawtooth or seesaw nystagmus is an unusual but characteristic type of nystagmus. Typically there
vertical vestibulo-ocular ... We have varied causes ... nystagmus #sawtooth #physicalexam
Seesaw nystagmus 
-> eye move in an opposed vertical fashion (one goes up while the other
commonly parasellar masses ... clinical #video #eye #ocular ... #PhysicalExam
Adie’s Tonic Pupil on Physical Exam

A young female was referred in for a sudden onset anisocoria.
Her ocular exam ... In this case, the ... than 3mm in this case ... rare bilateral cases ... ophthalmology #physicalexam