55 results
Seborrheic keratosis 
 - Well-circumscribed, stuck-on appearance 
 - Waxy texture 
 - Verrucous surface
surface - Variable color ... Benign #Clinical #Photo
Pulmonary Vasculograms on POCUS
With complete de-aeration and lung parenchymal collapse, blood vessels can readily seen with
Pulmonary Vasculograms ... #Pulmonary #Vasculograms ... lung #ultrasound #color
Herpes Zoster Mandibularis - The lesions were scattered along the area that is innervated by the
#Clinical #Photo ... Mandibularis #Rash #NEJM
This is another example of facial bruising. Here again the face appears to be cyanotic (including
a normal pink color ... pediatrics #clinical #photo
A necrotic ulceration was observed on the right side of the tongue. Cervicofacial computed tomography, performed
arteritis #clinical #photo ... Arteritis #tongue #NEJM
Necrotizing Fasciitis: African-American patient with diabetes that predisposed him to rapidly 
progressive infection. Lower extremity is
and red, though color ... Images #Clinical #Photo
perioral cyanosis- A blue color around the lips and philtrum is a relatively common finding shortly
cyanosis- A blue color ... #clinical #photo
Transverse lines of the fingernails. (A) Beau’s lines (arrows) of the thumbnail. (B) Mees’ lines (arrowheads)
changes in the color ... occurs in the color ... #PhysicalExam #Photo
Spherocytes - The arrow points to one of many spherocytes in this photo. The cells have
spherocytes in this photo ... small size, darker color
Dirofilaria repens- Patient had first noted a nodule below her left eye (Panel A). Five days
repens #clinical #photo ... #NEJM #parasite