656 results
Chest pain, good story, but nonspecific ECG? Do a bedside echo: regional WMAs support your case
echo: regional WMAs ... Echocardiogram #WMAs
Echocardiogram images with outlined regional wall motion abnormality territories of A) PSLAX B) PSAX, and C)
Echocardiogram #WMAs
Wall Motion Abnormalities!

1. Hypokinesis = ↓ Squeeze
2. Akinesis = No Squeeze
3. Dyskinesis = Outward Bulging

Sam Ghali,
twitter.com/EM_RESUS #WMA
POCUS for diagnosis of Wall Motion Abnormalities in Myocardial Infarction - Visual Abstract
Can physicians with limited
1000446164637 #WAMAMI #WMAs
Inferior Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities on POCUS Echocardiogram

Older male with chest pain, diaphoresis. ECG with concerning
Inferior #Regional #WMA
Nice Mid-Septal, Apical-Septal, Apical-Lateral WMA from STEMI LAD occlusion on POCUS
- Dr. Robert Strony https://twitter.com/Stronysono
#Apical #Septal
Apical-Lateral WMA ... WallMotionAbnormality #WMA
Anterolateral Wall Motion Abnormalities (WMA) on POCUS Echocardiogram (PSAX)
Consider early TTE for patients presenting with cardiopulmonary
Abnormalities (WMA ... Finding a WMA like ... Abnormalities #WMA
Anterior Hypokinesis on POCUS Echocardiogram

A 69yo female with history of hypertension presents with 30min shortness of
with anterior wma ... This was her EKG ... cardiology #PSAX #WMA
Lateral Wall Motion Abnormality on POCUS Echocardiogram (PSAX)

Parasternal Short Axis View shows lateral wall motion abnormality
EUSmkh #Lateral #WMA
Apical Wall Motion Abnormality on POCUS Echocardiogram

LV apical wall motion abnormality on this 4-chamber view.
Differential should
#Abnormality #WMA