34 results
Effect of PEEP on Lung Recruitment - Bag-Mask Ventilation - Cadaver Simulation
Simulation shows before and after
Ventilation - Cadaver ... before and after adding ... #PEEP #Lungs #Cadaver
Osteomalacia & Osteoporosis in People with HIV
 - Decreased bone matrix mineralization. In people with HIV
muscle weakness, waddling
Hyponatremia Treatment Algorithm

CHF, Cirrhosis - Fluid restriction
SIADH - Fluid restriction
 - Consider salt tablets if etiology
500, consider adding
#Renal Potassium Handling
Renal Potassium Handling
B/T Cell Development
This is a work in progress describing the maturation of B & T cells
am working on adding
Effect of PEEP on Lung Recruitment - Bag-Mask Ventilation (Pig Lungs)

Before and after adding a PEEP
Before and after adding ... #PEEP #Lungs #Cadaver
Safe Living After Transplant: Animal & Pet Safety Risks
Lower ← → Higher Infection Risk
 • Dogs:
diagnosis #txid #risk #handling
Heart Failure (HFrEF) Treatment - GDMT for stage C 

For patients with Heart Failure with REDUCED
also considering adding ... we can consider adding
ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Fundamentals
 • ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) provides prolonged pulmonary and/or circulatory support
circulatory support, & adding ... circulatory support, and adding
Basics of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
 - What is EUS
 - Types of Endoscopes
 - Indications for
Maneuverability - Scope Handling