20 results
Wall-eyed bilateral inter nuclear ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO) Syndrome

In this specific case, the lesion is bilaterally in the
semiologianeurologica #Walleyed
WEBINO on Ocular Examination

WEBINO = Wall-eyed bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia with Midbrain exotropia,  b/l ADduction impairment,
bobvarkey #WEBINO #Walleyed
Lymph Node Anatomy
Waldeyer Ring, Pre-auricular, Cervical, Occipital, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Pectoral, Axillary, Mediastinal, Hilar, Epitrochlear, Brachial, Spleen,
Lymph Node Anatomy Waldeyer
Cavities frequently arise within a mass or an area of consolidation as a result of necrosis.
turn into thick walled ... enlarged thin-walled ... Thicker-walled honeycomb
General algorithm for the management of inflammatory pancreatic fluid collections. 

ANC, acute necrotic collection; APFC, acute
pseuodcyst; WON, walled-off-necrosis
Endoscopic Management of Pancreatic Walled Off Necrosis
 - Pancreatic Fluid Collections Basics
 - The Whys and
of Pancreatic Walled
Pancreatitis Complications - Necrotizing Pancreatitis and Fluid Collections
Interstitial Edematous (85%):
 • Acute Pancreatic Fluid Collection (APFC)
collection (ANC) → • Walled-off
Low Attenuation pattern (2) 
1. Centrilobular emphysema: low attenuation areas without walls. Notice the centrilobular artery
multiple thick walled
Classification of Pancreatic Fluid Collections
Interstitial Edematous Pancreatitis: 
 < 4 weeks - Acute (peri)panreatic fluid collection
≥ 4 weeks - Walled
Cryptosporidiosis - Cryptosporidium Life Cycle
1) Thick-walled oocyst (sporulated) exits host
2) Contamination of water and food with
Cycle 1) Thick-walled ... oocysts. 3) Thick-walled