2695 results
Mediastinal Widening - Differential Diagnosis

 • Vascular: Aortic dissection, Aortic anourysm, Enlarged pulmonary arteries, Venous or
Mediastinal Widening ... #Mediastinal #Widening ... Diagnosis #pulmonary #radiology
This is a parasternal long axis view of a young patient presenting with 3 days of
regurgitation and widening ... #Clinical #EM #Radiology
Freiberg Infraction - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Sclerosis of the 2nd MT head with flattening of
Infraction - MSK Radiology ... Widening of the ... mri #clinical #Radiology
Pertinent Chest x-ray Findings in the Trauma Patient and Implications
Respiratory distress without x-ray findings - Central
injury Mediastinal widening ... diagnosis #signs #radiology
Focal Periphyseal Edema (FOPE lesion) - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Arrows identifying the characteristic edema-like signal
lesion) - MSK Radiology ... periphyseal edema (no widening ... mri #clinical #Radiology
PA view
On the PA chest-film it is important to examine all the areas where the lung
Widening of the ... Clinical #Anatomy #Radiology
Once you know how the normal hilar structures look like on a lateral view, it is
Notice also the widening ... #Clinical #Radiology
Hyperkaelemia ECG Features - With mild to moderate hyperkalemia, there is reduction of the size of
hyperkalemia results in a widening ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Common sodium channel blockers which cause QRS widening.

 - Carbamazepine 
 - Group
which cause QRS widening ... Adriamycin #QRS #widening
Quinidine produces the following ECG changes:
1. Prolongation of Q-T interval:
2. Prolongation of QRS complex:
3. Prominent V
T wave widening ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology