390 results
PEMSource: Algorithm for fever WITHOUT source by Age
#Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Fever #Without #Source #Table #Algorithm #PEMSource
Algorithm for fever WITHOUT ... #Peds #Fever #Without
Consolidation of Psoriasis algorithms for straight-forward, new-diagnosis psoriasis without comorbidities. #algorithm #psoriasis.
new-diagnosis psoriasis without
Hypoxemia vs Hypoxia
Hypoxemia - Partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) is below normal
Hypoxia - Insufficient oxygen
level Hypoxemia without ... PaO2 Hypoxia without
Causes of Peripheral Weakness - With and Without Sensory Changes - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
With Sensory Changes:
Weakness - With and Without ... Poly-Radiculopathy Without
Causes of Primary and Secondary (without Red Flags) Headaches - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

#Primary #Secondary #Headaches #Neurology
and Secondary (without
Classification of Pancreatic Fluid Collections
Interstitial Edematous Pancreatitis: 
 < 4 weeks - Acute (peri)panreatic fluid collection
adjacent to pancreas without ... extra necrotic without
An Approach to Acute Dyspnea

General Categories: Hypoxemia, Hypercapnia, Acidemia, Poor O2 Delivery (without hypoxemia),  Miscellaneous
Poor O2 Delivery (without
Selected Clinical Trials of SGLT2 inhibitors in CVD and CKD
EMPA-REG OUTCOME - Empagliflozin lowered CV events
with CKD, with or without ... GDMT, with or without ... GDMT, with or without
Diabetes Type 2 Medication Management and Titration Algorithm
- First line therapy is metformin and comprehensive lifestyle
ASCVD or CKD - Without
3 ECG patterns for Acute Occlusion MI (OMI) without meeting ST elevation criteria
 • Posterior MI
Occlusion MI (OMI) without