3 results
Mesenteric Ischemia - Differential Diagnostic Schema
Chronic: ASCVD, Venous, Vasculitides 5% (PAN, [E]GPA, IgA, MPA)
 - Venous
- Differential Diagnostic ... least common): Thrombus ... : Cardiac (AF, LV ... inflammation → clot ... #algorithm
This 24M presented with acute onset CP/SOB, hypoxia, HR 150s. What's the diagnosis? Treatment options? Hint:
What's the diagnosis ... Thrombus in transit ... later with normal LV ... Echocardiogram #A4C ... #Clots #InTransit
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
murmur 3/6) - Pulmonary ... algorithm to determine ... dysfunction or LV ... days before Pulmonary ... stratification #diagnosis