12 results
Work Shifting - Mechanical Ventilation
Why the new term:
Synchrony issues, by definition, have to do with timing.
emireles_c #WorkShifting ... #Ventilation #Troubleshooting
Ventilator Waveform Troubleshooting - High Peak Pressures

This OnePager explains how you can rapidly determine if High
Ventilator Waveform Troubleshooting ... #Ventilator #Troubleshooting
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) troubleshooting (Algorithm 2).

#Diagnosis #LVAD #Assessment #Evaluation #Algorithm2 #BMJ
device (LVAD) troubleshooting
External Ventricular Drain (EVD) Troubleshooting for Neurosurgery Residents

Low Hanging Fruit
 • Has the system become disconnected
Ventricular Drain (EVD) Troubleshooting ... Ventricular #Drain #EVD #Troubleshooting
Ventilator Troubleshooting Summary
High PIP, nl Pplat:
 - DDx: Tubing problem, Bronchospasm, Secretions
 - Next Steps: Check
Ventilator Troubleshooting ... #Ventilator #Troubleshooting
General Algorithms for Assessment of the Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) (Algorithms 1, 2 and 3)

Algorithm 2: LVAD troubleshooting
CPAP Troubleshooting Tips
1. Wrong size/style mask → try a different mask, nasal pillows
2. Trouble getting used
CPAP Troubleshooting ... BrighamChiefs #CPAP #Troubleshooting
APVcmv - Adaptive Pressure Ventilation - Controlled Mechanical Ventilation Summary
Most Similar to PRVC - Pressure Regulated
hyperventilate) Troubleshooting
ECMO Troubleshooting - OnePager Summary
ECMO Emergency Protocol - Team should train/practice & have necessary supplies at
ECMO Troubleshooting ... JonahRubinMD #ECMO #Troubleshooting
ASV - Adaptive Support Ventilation Summary
Basic Set Parameters:
  1) Target MV (80-120%)
  2) PEEP
pulm pathology Troubleshooting