2227 results
Amyloidosis Types - Comparison Table
Proteins depositing where they shouldn't
 • AL
 • TTR
 • AA

Julia Gips,
TTR • AA Julia ... Amyloidosis #Types #differential
Normal urine output 
- 0.5 to 1.5 cc/kg/hour 
- A patient should be urinating at least
in adults Anuria ... output #oliguria #anuria
Oral Anticoagulation - VTE and DVT Bridging

- Amelia Furbish PharmD Student @ https://www.instagram.com/happypillsrx/

#DOAC #Oral #Anticoagulant #VTE
Bridging - Amelia
Colonoscopy Tips and Tricks 

By Dr. Steven Bollipo @stevenbollipo and Dr. Enrik Aguila @enrrikke

#Colonoscopy #Tips #Tricks
Enrik Aguila @enrrikke
Beta Blocker approximate dose equivalents

Carvedilol 12.5 mg BlD 
Labetalol 100 mg BID 
Atenolol 50 mg daily
50 mg BID - Amelia
TB Man - Mnemonic for Anti-Tuberculosis Medication Toxicities
Isoniazid - peripheral neuropathy, neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity
Streptomycin - ototoxicity
Ethambutol -
Enrik Aguila @enrrikke
Types of hypersensitivity reactions

Type I - lgE-Mediated, Within I Hour (Anaphylaxis)
Type II - IgG or IgM
Rash, SJS) - Amelia
Drugs that Impair Renal Potassium Excretion 

Decreased ENaC channel function: Amiloride, Triamterene, Pentamidine
Decreased Aldosterone Synthesis: Heparin,
Tacrolimus - Amelia
Multiple masses
The differential diagnostic list of multiple masses is very long.
The most important diagnoses are listed
Multiple masses The differential ... is difficult to differentiate ... Multiple #Massess #Differential
Food Bolus Removal - Endoscopy Tips and Tricks

By Dr. Steven Bollipo @stevenbollipo and Dr. Enrik Aguila
Enrik Aguila @enrrikke