8 results
#protozoa #toxoplasma #leishmania #trypanosoma #babesia #malaria #plasmodium #cryptosporidium #cyclospora #cystisospora #entamoeba #acanthamoeba #microsporidia

#ID  #InfectiousDiseases
cystisospora #entamoeba #acanthamoeba
Figure 1: Corneal ring infiltrate in a patient with #Acanthamoeba #keratitis.  Acanthamoeba keratitis is a
patient with #Acanthamoeba ... Acanthamoeba keratitis
Balamuthia vs Acanthamoeba vs Naegleria - Comparison
Exposure - Host - CNS disease - CNS spread -
Balamuthia vs Acanthamoeba ... #Balamuthia #Acanthamoeba
Amebiasis - Acanthamoeba Life Cycle
1) Cysts
2) Trophozoite
3) Mitosis
4) Amebae (cysts and trophozoites) can enter humans in
Amebiasis - Acanthamoeba ... #Amebiasis #Acanthamoeba
Differential diagnosis of Skin + Eye infections
 • Bacterial: Staph spp, Strep spp, Pseudomonas spp, Bartonella,
Leishmaniasis, Acanthamoeba
Blurry vision in a patient with HIV/AIDS
Anterior Segment:
 • Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
 • Keratitis (HSV, Staph,
, Pseudomonas, Acanthameoba
Soil Related Infections - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Mechanism Of Infection:
 • Wound
 • GI: Ingestion, MUD, Contaminated
Naegleria fowleri • Acanthamoeba
Waterborne Infections - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Infections that can be acquired from fresh water, brackish water, sea
encephalitis (GAE) - Acanthamoeba