20 results
Added Air Sounds and sources 
#auscultation #addedAirSounds #crackles #wheeze #Rhonchi #stridor
#auscultation #addedAirSounds ... crackles #wheeze #Rhonchi
Wheezing - Differential Diagnosis Framework - Not all that wheezes is asthma
Vibrations of turbulent flow against
Vascular ring Primary bronchi ... body Tertiary Bronchi
Lung Findings on Physical Exam
 • Short, discontinuous, sounds mostly heard during inspiration
 • Caused by
foreign bodies Rhonchi
Patterns of disease in advanced COPD

Type A: 
Pink Puffer (Emphysema Predominant) 
Major complaint is dyspnea, often
is noisy, with rhonchi
Stridor - Differential Diagnosis Framework:
High-pitched, variable respiratory sound

 • Retropharyngeal abscess
 • Acute epiglottitis
 • Peritonsillar
Thoracic trachea and bronchi
AIDS-defining illnesses
 - Candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi, trachea, or lungs [(but NOT the mouth (thrush)]
the esophagus, bronchi
Bronchiectasis - Summary

• Bronchiectasis is derived from the Greek words bronckos meaning airway and ectasis meaning
: • Crackles, rhonchi
Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) - Diagnosis and Management

Pneumonia Signs/Symptoms:
 • Confusion/disorientation (LR + 1.9)
 • Cough
(LR + 2.3) • Rhonchi
A more common presentation of mucoid impaction in seen here.
This is the typical 'finger-in-glove' appearance of
in the dilated bronchi
Air Bronchogram - Portable anterior–posterior chest radiography showed dense airspace disease with bilateral hemithorax opacification and
the air-filled bronchi