Lung Findings on Physical Exam Crackles: • Short, discontinuous, sounds mostly heard during inspiration • Caused by the opening or collapsed distal airways/alveoli as seen in pulmonary edema and pneumonia Wheezes: • Continuous, high-pitched sounds heard mostly during expiration • Caused by turbulent airflow through narrowed airways as seen in bronchospasm, edema, swelling, secretions, tumor, and foreign bodies Rhonchi: • Lower pitched, deep sounds • Associated with mucus plugging, secretions Stridor: • High-pitched wheezing sound caused by disrupted airflow • Usually caused by extra-thoracic airway obstruction (laryngeal or tracheal obstruction); sounds a lot like wheezing, you must take a history to distinguish them Egophony: • "E" -> "A" • The presence of consolidation gives spoken words a nasal quality Whispered Pectoriloquy: • Whisper "1-2-3" • The presence of a consolidation makes whispered words louder Bronchophony: • "Say 99" • The presence of a consolidation makes spoken words louder #Lung #Findings #Pulmonary #PhysicalExam #diagnosis #signs