113 results
Atopy and Antiallergy Therapy

#Atopy #Antiallergy #Therapy #Pathophysiology #Allergy #Omalizumab
Atopy and Antiallergy ... Therapy #Atopy ... Antiallergy #Therapy #Pathophysiology
NAACP mnemonic for the major causes of Eosinophilia 
N = Neoplasia (CML, Hodgkins lymphoma) 
A =
A = Allergy / Atopy
Table 3. Antidotes that may be used in cardiac arrest (The A to P of treatment
(The A to P of treatment ... Cardiac #Arrest #AtoP
The infant with tachypnea or wheeze - Clinical Conditions to Consider
 - Bronchiolitis 
 - Pneumonia
history of allergy/atopy
Initial treatment of renal bone disease and cinacalcet for secondary hyperparathyroidism
Phosphate binders reduce hyperphosphataemia and hyperparathyroidism.
Initial treatment ... the first-line treatments ... #Pharmacology #Pathophysiology
Asthma vs COPD Presentation and Diagnosis
 • Epidemiology: Age usually < 45, History (personal or family)
or family) of atopy
Cyanide Toxicity 
1) Hydroxocobalamin + Cyanide = Cyanocobalamin (nontoxic) 
2) Amyl nitrite
Cyanide Toxicity Treatment ... Toxicity #Toxicology #Pathophysiology ... #Management #Treatment
Management of interstitial lung disease (ILD)-associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc)

Therapeutic indication: absolute decline in FVC >10%
Symptomatic treatment ... optimization of GERD treatment ... rehabilitation, tobacco stop ... indications #management #treatment
Infographic depicting the main pearls of various types of congenital adrenal hyperplasia for the medical student.
diagnosis #comparison #treatment ... Endocrinology #Adrenal #pathophysiology
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Pregnancy
 - Pathophysiology
 - Pharmacotherapy
 - Nonpharmacological Treatment

Emory Gastroenterology and Hepatology
in Pregnancy - Pathophysiology ... Nonpharmacological Treatment