1923 results
Spider in external ear canal


#Spider #external #ear #canal #EAC #auditory #insect #clinical #video #otoscopy #physicalexam #otology
ear #canal #EAC #auditory ... video #otoscopy #physicalexam
Pathologic Startle Reflex to Acoustic Stimulus (Audio)

Pathological startle (to auditory startle) occurring 6 months after basilar
Pathological startle (to auditory ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (Herpes zoster oticus) wit Facial Nerve Palsy
 - Ipsilateral facial paralysis
- vesicles in auditory ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Shown are the auditory system and diseases affecting each component of the system, including the ossicular
Shown are the auditory ... cells, and the auditory
Acute Otitis Externa (Swimmer’s Ear): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Pathogens = Pseudomonas aeruginosa (most common opportunistic), Staphylococcus,
Alkalotic external auditory ... Injury of external auditory ... narrow and tortuous auditory ... of the external auditory
Diagnostic Algorithm for Dizziness and Vertigo
Peripheral Vertigo:
 • Attacks: Sudden, severe, can last anywhere from seconds
neurologic findings • Auditory ... present • No auditory ... No auditory symptoms
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - Herpes Zoster Oticus 
1. Ipsilateral facial paralysis 
2. Ear pain 
3. Vesicles
Vesicles in the auditory
Infant in the "Sniffing" Position
1) Glabella —Chin Plane
3) Extemal Auditory Meatus
OPEN 3) Extemal Auditory
Characteristics of Peripheral and Central Vertigo
 • Onset: Sudden
 • Intensity: Severe initially, often decreasing
Findings: None • Auditory ... Usually present • Auditory
Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline
Minor withdrawal (6 to 36 hours) - Tremulousness, mild anxiety, headache, diaphoresis, palpitations, gastrointestinal
hours) - Visual, auditory