764 results
Purple Urine Bag Syndrome
Chronic, indwelling catheter + bacteriuria (Providencia, Klebsiella, E.coli*) + alkaline urine
Tryptophan → Indoxyl
Sulfatase enzyme (bacteria ... pathophysiology #clinical #photo
Primary Syphilis
Usually, a single ulcer (chancre) appears at the site where the bacteria entered the body.
site where the bacteria ... contains syphilis bacteria ... the T. pallidum bacteria ... Diagnosis #Clinical #Photo
Pseudomonas Toenail Infection

Green nails = infection with a bacteria called “Pseudomonas”. Not all bacterial infections are
infection with a bacteria ... could be due to a bacteria ... The bacteria, which ... Infection #Clinical #Photo
Abscess: Marked swelling and redness is apparent just above antecubital fossa. This is caused by an
the result of bacteria ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Syphilis Clinical Findings - Chancre and Characteristic Rash
A: Syphilitic chancre with a clean, painless base and
D: Gram bacteria ... Syphilis #Clinical #photo
Vibrio Vulnificus skin infection
Cirrhosis w/recent consumption of raw oysters w/rapidly evolving rash. 
Vibrio vulnificus part of
which renders bacteria ... legs #clinical #photo
Glandular Tularemia- ...The patient’s physical examination revealed three erythematous, tender lymph nodes...Serologic testing with IgM antibody
can transmit the bacteria ... NEJM #clinical #photo
Gram Positive Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramPositive #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Catalase #Coagulase #Optichin
Gram Positive Bacteria ... #GramPositive #Bacteria
Gram Negative Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Oxidase #Lactose #Urease
Gram Negative Bacteria ... #GramNegative #Bacteria
Algorithm demonstrating identification of aerobic gram negative bacteria #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Lactose
gram negative bacteria ... #GramNegative #Bacteria