282 results
Emergency Breech Baby Delivery 
OB able to take patient to the OR?  yes -> C-section
Emergency Breech ... heart rate #Breech
Characteristics of Breath Sounds 

Vesicular, Broncho-vesicular, Bronchial, Tracheal 

#Auscultation #Breath #Sounds #PhysicalExam #Lung #Pulmonary #Diagnosis

** GrepMed
Characteristics of Breath ... #Auscultation #Breath
An Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation:
This is a simplification of the general principles underlying the most common
Control #Variable #Breath
Catheter Sizes - French vs Gauge

- Dr. Rishi Kumar @rishikumarmd

#Catheter #Sizes #French #Gauge #comparison #graph #sizing
Catheter Sizes - French ... Catheter #Sizes #French
Speech Vocalization on MRI
(in German)

#Speech #Vocalization #MRI #tongue #clinical
Speech Vocalization ... in German) #Speech
Right bundle branch block ECG

#Clinical #ECG #EKG #RBBB #Bundle #Branch #Block #Right
Right bundle branch ... #RBBB #Bundle #Branch
Left bundle branch block EKG (ECG)

#Clinical #EKG #ECG #LBBB #Left #bundle #branch #block
Left bundle branch ... #Left #bundle #branch
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#BRVO #Branch #Retinal #Vein #Occlusion
Branch Retinal Vein ... oftalmopo #BRVO #Branch
The speech bubble (or talk bubble) sign is one ascribed to the appearances of a Baker's
The speech bubble ... Baker's #cyst #sign #speech
Leech Extraction from Nasal passages

#Leech #Extraction #clinical #video #infectiousdiseases #procedure #removal
Leech Extraction ... Nasal passages #Leech