6 results
ICEREA Trial Summary: Endovascular Versus External TTM in Cardiac Arrest 

#visualabstract #ebm #ICEREA #clinicaltrials #Cardiac #Arrest
ICEREA Trial Summary ... visualabstract #ebm #ICEREA ... #clinicaltrials
*Coronavirus Update*: investigational remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19. Here is a quick highlight of two
NovolCoronavirus #ClinicalTrial
CERTA Analgesic Classes and Pain Indications

Dr. David H.Cisewski and Dr. Sergey M.Motov

#CERTA #Analgesic #Classes #Pain #Indications
CERTA Analgesic ... Sergey M.Motov #CERTA
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection: Diagnostic Accuracy of Physical Examination, Imaging, and LRINEC ScoreA Systematic Review and
Imaging, and LRINEC ScoreA
CERTA Opioid Alternatives

Opioid Alternatives for Abdominal Pain (traumatic, non-traumatic), Back Pain, Burns, Renal Colic, Dental Pain,
CERTA Opioid Alternatives ... Gas_Craic) #CERTA
Taken from Dr Motov's work on a CERTA regime.
This is published in conjunction with the CERTA
Motov's work on a CERTA ... conjunction with the CERTA