859 results
Palpable Skin Crepitus on Physical Exam

Notice these air bubbles under the skin. An 86-year-old woman with
Palpable Skin Crepitus ... Notice these air ... extensive palpable crepitus ... subcutaneous emphysema is crepitus ... skin #Palpable #Crepitus
Fournier’s Gangrene - Physical examination was notable for necrotic-appearing tissue in the scrotum and perineum, with
induration and crepitus ... in addition to air
Orbital Emphysema following ocular trauma and sneezing.

#Orbital #Emphysema #ocular #physicalexam #ophthalmology #clinical #video #crepitus
clinical #video #crepitus
Subcutaneous Emphysema on Physical Exam

Dr. Manrique Umana @umanamd

#Subcutaneous #Emphysema #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neck #crepitus
#video #neck #crepitus
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
attenuation or air-filled ... Emphysema #SignetRing #RadiologyAssistant
Consolidation is synonymous with airspace disease.
When you think of the causes of consolidation, think of 'what
replacing the air ... can replace the air ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant
The retracted visceral pleura is seen (blue arrow) which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is
when there is an air-fluid ... is small, this air-fluid ... Hydropneumothorax #RadiologyAssistant
Necrotizing Fasciitis in a DKA patient with perineal crepitus on POCUS.
This POCUS looks like a subpleural
with perineal crepitus ... Subcutaneous Thickening, Air ... Clinical #Ultrasound #Crepitus ... #Air
Nontuberculous mycobacteria
Nontuberculous mycobacteria, also known as atypical mycobacteria, are all the other mycobacteria which can cause
Notice the air-fluid ... AirFluidLevel #RadiologyAssistant
Lung Auscultation and Physical Exam Findings in Selected Lung Disorders

#PhysicalExam #Auscultation #Pulmonary #Percussion #Dullness #Fremitus #BreathSounds
Percussion #Dullness #Fremitus