6 results
Progressive Massive Fibrosis on Chest X-Ray
In a construction worker presenting with shortness of breath.
Progressive Massive Fibrosis
is a chronic interstitial ... pneumoconiosis which is caused ... #Chest #XRay #CXR ... #silicosis #clinical ... #radiology
Here are the most common examples of these four patterns on a chest x-ray (click image
patterns on a chest x-ray ... mass - Solitary Pulmonary ... Nodule - Multiple Masses ... Atelectasis #Diagnosis #Clinical ... #Radiology #CXR
Progressive Massive Fibrosis aka Complicated Silicosis.
Silicosis is a fibrotic lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline
lung disease caused ... #Silicosis #clinical ... #radiology #CXR ... #Chest #XRay #labeled ... #pulmonary
UIP is a histologic pattern of pulmonary fibrosis.
On a chest X-ray UIP manifests as a reticular
histologic pattern of pulmonary ... fibrosis. ... On a chest X-ray ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Interstitial #
Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the
determine the cause ... considered, like acute ... Pulmonary hemorrhage ... this is nodular interstitial ... #Radiology #CXR
Lung infarction
The radiographic features of acute pulmonary thromboembolism are insensitive and nonspecific.
The most common radiographic findings
radiographic features of acute ... In most cases of ... the chest x-ray ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #PulmonaryEmbolism