26 results
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver for the Diagnosis of BPPV (Animated)

The Dix–Hallpike test (Nylen Barany test) is a diagnostic
Diagnosis of BPPV (Animated ... Dix #Hallpike #DixHallpike ... BPPV #neurology #Animated
The Cardiac Cycle Animated - Systole, Diastole, Pressures and Volume - (slowed down version @ 1/2
Cardiac Cycle Animated
The Cardiac Cycle Animated - Systole, Diastole, Pressures and Volume

#Pathophysiology #Cardiology #CardiacCycle #Stages #Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds
Cardiac Cycle Animated
Classic Findings During Hallpike Test in Posterior Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
 • Latency (delay
fatigability) #dixhallpike
B-52 Chemical Sedation Cocktail in Severe Agitation
 • Benadryl 50 mg (Diphenhydramine) +
 • 5 mg
are violently agitated
Clinical Manifestations of Serotonin Syndrome
 • Ophthalmologic: Mydriasis, Ocular clonus (slow horizontal movements)
 • Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea,
Mental Status (agitated
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale
+4 - Combative, Violent, Immediate Danger to Staff
+3 - Very Agitated - Pulls
Staff +3 - Very Agitated ... Aggressive +2 - Agitated
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver for BPPV

1. Make the patient sit on examination table, such that the shoulders would
Dix #Hallpike #DixHallpike
Phenobarbital monotherapy algorithm for alcohol withdrawal


-Phenobarbital monotherapy has numerous advantages
-For severely agitated
Emergency Management of the agitated patient
Infographic by Tommaso Scquizzato (@tscquizzato) based on a talk by Reuben
Management of the agitated