7194 results
Cinnarizine induced Opisthotonus

Resolved with Phenergan iv

Dr. Boby Varkey Maramattom @bobvarkey

#Cinnarizine #Opisthotonus #clinical #video #neurology #physicalexam #DrugReaction
#Opisthotonus #clinical ... #DrugReaction #DrugInduced
Agents Inducing Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Reactions

#Lichen #Planus #Lichenoid #Differential #Medications #DrugInduced #Causes
#Dermatology #Diagnosis

** GrepMed Recommended
#Medications #DrugInduced ... Color Atlas of Clinical
Drug-induced organizing pneumonia is commonly caused by Bleomycin and Cyclophosphamide and other drugs like Methotrexate, Amiodarone,
#Clinical #Radiology ... #CTChest #DrugInduced
Ipilimumab-Induced Hypophysitis. 
Pituitary gland enlargement occurs on therapy & resolves after therapy.
 - Ipilimumab is a
- Clinically, ... #Ipilimumab #DrugInduced ... MRIBrain #Diagnosis #Clinical
Drug Induced Lupus vs SLE
Drug Induced Lupus (DIL):
 • Epidemiology: -10% of all lupus cases, drug-dependent,
to 1:1 F:M • Clinical ... 40, F:M 9:1 • Clinical ... Lupusreference #druginduced
Drug-Induced Acute Kidney Injury - Sites of Action Along the Nephron

#DrugInduced #AcuteKidneyInjury #AKI #Nephrology #Pathophysiology #Pharmacology
the Nephron #DrugInduced
Drugs Commonly Implicated as Triggers of Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia
#Diagnosis #Hematology #Thrombocytopenia #Differential #DrugInduced #Medications
#Differential #DrugInduced
Drugs and Classes Associated with DILI and Type of Liver Injury

#Medications #Differential #DrugInduced #LiverInjury #Hepatology #Pharmacology
#Differential #DrugInduced
Causes of Drug-Induced Cardiomyopathies

#DrugInduced #Medications #Cardiomyopathy #Cardiomyopathies #Differential #Causes #Cardiology #Pharmacology
Cardiomyopathies #DrugInduced
Medications that cause Hyponatremia

#Diagnosis #Pharmacology #Hyponatremia #Medications #DrugInduced #List #Differential
#Medications #DrugInduced