21 results
Purpuric Skin Lesions - Petechia/Purpura and Ecchymosis 

#Purpuric #Purpura #Petechia #Ecchymosis #Comparison #Dermatology #Skin #Diagnosis #Clinical
Petechia/Purpura and Ecchymosis ... Purpura #Petechia #Ecchymosis
Ecchymosis: Bluish discoloration of skin caused by bruising with resultant subcutaneous collection
of blood.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. -
Ecchymosis: Bluish ... #Dermatology #Ecchymosis
Periorbital Ecchymosis: Marked swelling and blue periorbital discoloration resulting from direct
trauma to the orbit. The patient
Periorbital Ecchymosis ... #Periorbital #Ecchymosis
Bleeding manifestations 
Petechiae are small, flat, red, discrete areas of skin bleeding that are typically <2
Bruise (also called ecchymosis ... Purpura #Bruise #ecchymosis
Basilar Skull Fracture
Fracture through petrous portion of temporal bone 
 - Periorbital ecchymosis 
 - Hemotympanum
- Periorbital ecchymosis ... Postaurlcular ecchymosis
Cullen's Sign: Ecchymosis/discoloration around the umbilicus 

#Clinical #Pancreatitis #Cullens #Sign #CullenSign #PhysicalExam
Cullen's Sign: Ecchymosis
Vascular Skin Lesions - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 - Petechiae < 0.2 cm diameter
 - Purpura 0.2
cm diameter - Ecchymosis
Cullen's vs Grey Turner's Sign in Acute Pancreatitis
Cullen’s Sign - ecchymosis in PERIUMBILICAL area (1 word)
Cullen’s Sign - ecchymosis ... Turner’s Sign - ecchymosis
Cushing Syndrome - Likelihood Ratios of Physical Exam Findings
Moon facies LR +1.6
Central obesity LR +3.0
Generalized obesity
in women LR +NS Ecchymoses
Low Ankle Sprain: Pathomechanics and Clinical Findings

Grading Ligament Sprains
l: Minimal ligament disruption, mild swelling & tenderness,
tenderness and ecchymosis