7171 results
Liver Abscess on POCUS

Febrile, RUQ pain, encephalopathic, and seizing...also this. Unifying dx? Next organ to scan?

Febrile, RUQ pain, encephalopathic ... Abscess #POCUS #clinical
Spur-Cell Anemia- A 31-year-old man with a history of cirrhosis, recurrent hepatic encephalopathy, and anemia presented
He remained encephalopathic ... #NEJM #clinical
Differential diagnosis for toxic/metabolic encephalopathies - Patterns on Brain Imaging

Cynthia Czawlytko, MD @drcyncity

#Differential #diagnosis #encephalopathies #encephalopathy
toxic/metabolic encephalopathies ... Differential #diagnosis #encephalopathies
Hippus on Physical Exam

Hippus: alternating dilation and constriction of pupils independent of illumination, convergence or psychic
hepatic or renal encephalopathies ... #PhysicalExam #clinical
Hippus on Physical Exam
Hippus: alternating dilation and constriction of pupils independent of illumination, convergence or psychic
hepatic or renal encephalopathies ... #PhysicalExam #clinical
Legionnaire's Disease - Extrapulmonary organ involvement: CNS: Mental confusion, encephalopathic, headache. Cardiac: Relative bradycardia. GI: Loose
Mental confusion, encephalopathic
The algorithm below shows how pre-test probability could be combined with various criteria to determine which
acyclovir to all encephalopathic
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy, Clinical Signs and Study Tips
#Anatomy #CranialNerves #MedicalStudent #Overview
Nerves - Anatomy, Clinical
Dengue Illness - Clinical Course of the Disease - Febrile, Critical, Recovery phases
 • Days of
Dengue Illness - Clinical ... Disease - Febrile, Critical ... • Potential clinical