1741 results
Estimating the Total Daily Dose (TDD) of Insulin: Weight-Based Dosing
TDD in units of insulin = N
Estimating the Total ... Insulin #dosing #estimation ... endocrinology #diabetes #DM2
Festinating Gait Disorder in Parkison's Disease

#Festinating #Gait #Disorder #Parkisons #parkinsonian #clinical #video #neurology #festination #physicalexam
clinical #video #neurology ... #festination #physicalexam
CVP Estimation using IVC Diameter and Collapsibility 
< 1.5cm IVC, >50% collapsibility = 0-5 mm Hg
CVP Estimation using ... High CVP) #CVP #Estimation

Total daily dose of insulin (TDD) =
& most type 2 DM ... rules of thumb for estimating ... hyperglycemia #dm2
Gowers' Sign on Physical Exam

Seen in this patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)

#Gowers #Sign #PhysicalExam #neurology
muscular dystrophy (DMD ... #PhysicalExam #neurology ... muscular #dystrophy #DMD
Estimating Left Ventricular Filling Pressure by Echocardiography

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #Echocardiogram #POCUS #Diastolic #Dysfunction #Diastology #Diastasis #EWave #AWave
Estimating Left
A1C and eAG
*For Educational Purposes Only*

#Diabetes #T2D #DM2 #Table #PrimaryCare #Endocrinology #BloodGlucose #A1C
Diabetes #T2D #DM2
Metformin Pharmacology Summary
Mechanisms of Action:
 • Suppresses gluconeogenesis by the liver
 • Increases insulin-mediated glucose utilization
mL/minute/1.73 rm2 ... mL/minute/1.73 m2 ... Pharmacology #Summary #DM2
An example of skeletal maturation during childhood at various ages. A, 5 years of age. B,
Radiology #HandXRay #Estimation
Profiles of Antidiabetic Medications - AACE 2018 

#Antidiabetic #Medications #Profiles #SideEffects #Table #DecisionAid #Orals #DM2 #Diabetes
DecisionAid #Orals #DM2